Leicestershire Junior Cup

Leicestershire Junior Cup South 1907/08

Match Report


Leicester Daily Post, Monday 23rd March 1908.

In the Southern Division final, played at Wigston on Saturday, Holwell Works were rather unlucky to lose, as they played the better football but neglected opportunities. Holwell won the toss, and kicked down the slope. The start was sensational, as Barwell’s right-winger, Lord, ran down, centering to Herbert, who shot into the net. Chamberlain the goal-keeper, being unable to get to the ball. The same player notched a second point within five minutes. The Holwell forwards strove desperately hard to reduce the lead, but met with a dogged defence in Jordan and Foster, backed up by good goal-keeping by Haywood. The way in which C. Foyster led his forwards was pretty to watch, but their combination at times was a little overdone. Half-Time arrived with the score unaltered. Soon after the re-start the “Works” lost F. Foyster, who twisted his ankle, leaving them with four forwards. Still, with ten men, they pressed well. The leaders were now playing a very robust game. A penalty was awarded to Holwell, but Haywood saved from C. Foyster. The United’s defence prevailed unto the end. The strength of the winners lay in their defence, which was very strong. Haywood in goal clearing handsomely, while the backs, Jordan and Foster, the latter in particular, kicked strongly and with great judgement. The half-back line are a worrying trio. In the forwards Grewcock has a good turn of speed, and in the second half broke away twice in dangerous fashion. Herbert, who scored both goals, is a good shot. Holwell’s forwards combined well, while Johnson was the pick of the middle line. Peacock worked hard, kicking and tackling well, especially in the second half. Chamberlain could not be blamed for either goal, as the ground impeded his movements.


There was considerable rejoicing at Barwell on Saturday night, when the news arrived that the United F.C. had won the final for the Junior Cup Southern Division. When the team arrived home in the evening they were given a most hearty reception at the headquarters, the Cross Keys Hotel. The last time the Junior Cup found a home at Barwell was about twelve seasons ago, when the Barwell Swifts won it at Coalville by beating Ibstock. On Saturday there was one player in the United team that helped Swifts to win the cup in those bye-gone days, that player being L. Herbert, who, however, has not played football regularly since, but has thrown in his lot with the United this season, and has proved a valuable acquisition. Both the team and its supporters are looking forward to a big day on Easter Monday, when they will have to meet the winners of the Northern Division, and whichever club that may be, Barwell are going to do their best to bring home the premier trophy.


Melton Mowbray Mercury and Oakham and Uppingham News, Thursday 26th March 1908.

Played at South Wigston, before a good attendance. Holwell won the toss, Herbert kicking off up the slope. The ball was taken to the right wing, Lord centering finely to Herbert, for the latter to beat Chamberlain in the first minute. Holwell, stung by this reverse, went down in a line, but Jordan sent them back. Lucas put the ball forward to Herbert, who dribbled finely, charging Peacock off the ball, finishing a spendid effort by notching goal number two, to the delight of the Barwell supporters. The Works, from the centre kick, by good combination by the brothers Foysters, gave T. Foster something to do to keep his line clear. A free against Barwell looked dangerous, Haywood clearing under difficulties. The United did not let the play remain long here, Lord and Moore transferring the ball to the opposite goal, where Chamberlain had to clear from Herbert. At the other end Haywood saved finely from A. Smith. Holwell hereabouts pressed strongly, but could not beat Jordan and Foster, who were playing a strong game. The Barwell forwards went away in a line, Johnson interrupting a pass of Moore’s to Herbert at a critical moment. The Works, led by C. Foyster, strove desperately to open their account, but found the Barwell defence too strong, Foster’s kicking being a strong feature. Holwell were pressing when the whistle sounded. Half-time:

BARWELL, two goals;


C. Foyster re-started after the inteval, and the “Works” were soon worrying Jordan and Foster, Haywood having to throw away twice in quick succession. A bit of bad luck fell to Holwell, F. Foyster falling lame, and leaving the field. Holwell were now having all the play, Barwell contenting themselved by kicking out. T. Foster placed Grewcock in possession, who raced down the left, beating the backs, Chamberlain conceding a corner from his final shot. The ball did not remain long in this quarter, the Holwell forwards sending the United backs to defend their charge. Fouls were frequent, too much feeling being infused into the game, good football suffering in consequence. A penalty was given to Holwell, which was taken by C. Foyster, Haywood saving. From the goal-kick Grewcock dribbled prettily the length of the field, Chamberlain having to be alert to clear. Holwell were pressing when time was called, a poor game resulting in:

BARWELL, two goals;

HOLWELL, none.