Leicester Town & Mutual Sunday School Football League

This league was formed in January 1919 after the end of the First World War. The Leicester Town League and Leicester Mutual Sunday School League did not run during the war so this combined league was arranged so that teams could have some fixtures as soon as possible.

Leicester Town & Mutual S.S. League

Leicester Daily Mercury, Wednesday 8th January 1919.

As it had been found impossible to run the two Leagues separately as in the past, the Leicester Town League and the Mutual S.S. League have arranged between them a series of matches for the present season. It was intended to run two divisions, but at present the second division is not complete, and Mr. J.H. Thurman, the hon. secretary, would welcome two or three more clubs. If these are forthcoming it will be possible to make a start with the second division on January 18th.

What do we know about this league ?

I have all the teams but no league table for the single season that this league ran for.

Division OneDivision Two