Hinckley & District Sunday School League

There have been a number of attempts to form a Sunday School Football League in the Hinckley area. The first attempt was in 1905/06 with the formation of the Hinckley, Nuneaton & District Sunday Schools Football League. This seemed to only last for two seasons before folding.

After a pause of three seasons the league was reformed under the name of the Hinckley & District Sunday School League. This seemed to run for a few years before stopping before the First World War.

A Sunday School league reappeared at the start of the 1921/22 season. I’m missing some information but it looks like this ran until the start of the Second World War.

Hinckley, Nuneaton & District Sunday Schools Football League.

What do we know about this league ?

I have the final league table for the first season but for the second season I only know of a couple of participating teams.

1905/06Barwell Methodists

Hinckley & District Sunday School Football League

The league reformed in 1910 as discussed in the news article below.

Proposed New Sunday School League

Leicester Daily Mercury, Saturday 2nd June 2010.

On Friday evening a further meeting was held in the P.M. vestry at Barwell, with a view of furthering the interests of the proposed new Sunday Schools’ League for Hinckley and district. There was a gathering fairly representative of the schools of Hinckley, Barwell and Earl Shilton. Mr. W. Harvey, of Barwell, presided, and explained what progress had been made. Mr. S. Goode, J.P., of Hinckley, had been elected president, with Mr. H. Garner, C.C., and Mr. T. Whitmore and other gentlemen as vice-presidents. Mr. A. Green, of Barwell, had been elected secretary, and the committee consisted of a representative of every club in the League, from which representation the executive would be chosen. He (Mr. W. Harvey) had been elected chairman of the committee.

It was further stated that the rules had been drawn up and approved, and these had been sent on to the Association for confirmation. One of the conditions, was that all players taking part in the League must either be members of the Sunday School of their respective church, or a member of one of the religious organisations connected with the church. Barwell had been selected as the centre for the League, and the radius was six miles from that village. The clubs that had already expressed willingness to join included Hinckley Wesleyans, Hinckley Baptist, Hinckley P.M., and Hinckley St. Peter’s, Earl Shilton P.M., Earl Shilton Baptist, Earl Shilton Congregational, Barwell P.M. and Barwell Wesleyans.

It was agreed that invitations be sent to clubs at Barlestone, Newbold Verdon and Sapcote, and that a further meeting be held to form the constitution of those clubs who had decided to join. The Chairman stated that they had a balance in hand of over £2 1s. from a similar league in the district some two or three years ago. Unfortunately, the secretary was unable to attend that night owing to another engagement, but it was hoped that in a week’s time they would be able to announce the passing of the rules by the L.F.A. and then progress would be immediately made with preparing the list of fixtures for the season.

What do we know about this league ?

1910/11Hinckley St. Peter’s
1911/12Hinckley Church United
1913/14Nuneaton Primitive Methodist

At the end of the 1913/14 season, three out of the eight teams left to join the Hinckley and District League, and since I could find no further reference to the league for the next few years I’m assuming it closed down due to the outbreak of the First World War.

The league was reformed again for the start of the 1921/22 season.

Division OneDivision TwoDivision Three
1921/22Hinckley WesleyansBarwell Church
1924/25Earl Shilton Wesleyansunknownunknown
1926/27not sure how many divisions
1927/28Barwell United Methodistsunknown

Reports suggest that the league was due to play in the 1928/29 season but no records could be found, and a number of other teams were playing in different leagues. It looks like the league folded again as there is a report in 1930 about reforming the Sunday School League.

Hinckley & District Mutual Sunday School Football League

1930/31Hinckley Trinity Bible Class
1931/32Hinckley Trinity Bible Class
1933/34Stoney Stanton Bible Class
1934/35Sharnford YMCA
1935/36Sharnford YMCA
1936/37Sharnford YMCA

At the end of the 1937/38 season most of the teams joined the Nuneaton & District Bible Class League so this marked the end for a specific Sunday School Football League for Hinckley.